In 1956 the forward thinking ranchers of Mankota and District had a vision of bringing the buyers to the cattle rather than shipping them on the rail to only one or two buyers. They went west to the Cypress Hills where they cut 900 rails, for the building of the pens, alleys and an open air sale ring. The first scale was donated. The first year 2000 head sold at three sales for $157,000.

We are a board of directors run company incorporated in 1957.
The same moto is followed today – working with our consignors and buyers to make the tranfer of cattle the best it can be.
In the 1970’s a carload scale was purchased and a new scale house build to house it as well as a new heated sale ring. Sales in 1978 totaled over the million dollars on 10,617 head. In the 90’s the 90 plus pens were all converted to or added in steel. In 2003 the Mankota Stockmen’s Weigh Co. Ltd. computerized the office and the scale. In 2015 nearly 27,000 head were handled and over 44 million dollars in sales. 2023 with the dollar increase over $47 million passed through our yards. In 2024 $53,854,475.47 on only 22,405 head.
Many of the yearlings are still trailed to the market as was the way in the very beginning. The many buyers come to the front row from every where, including lots of locals, but the Internet broadcasts in real time to wherever you have access. You can watch online and see what is happening in our yards real time.
We have grown over the years and have a very positive outlook for our future.
Keeping equipment, facilities, computers and staff up to date with the changing business environment.
Mankota Stockmen’s Weigh Co. Ltd continues to do what we do best – bring buyers and sellers together in “the land where the deer and the antelope play”
Where we honour tradition while looking to the future!
The Cattle Business stays the same…. but changes daily !!!
Photo by a Bergan October 18th 2024 10 years later

Photo by A Bergan October 17th, 2014

Oct 9th 2015 Homestead photo's